We specialize in working with all types of relationships: married, living together, dating or engaged. We also have deep experience working with people representing a wide range of ethnicities, religions, cultures, nationalities and LGBTQ individuals and couples.
We specialize in working with all types of relationships: married, living together, dating or engaged. We also have deep experience working with people representing a wide range of ethnicities, religions, cultures, nationalities and LGBTQ individuals and couples.
We specialize in working with all types of relationships: married, living together, dating or engaged. We also have deep experience working with people representing a wide range of ethnicities, religions, cultures, nationalities and LGBTQ individuals and couples.
Evolve Therapy is seeing patients in person and online — reach out today!

Evolve Counseling Approach
The relationship between you and your Evolve therapist is an essential factor in helping you feel better about yourself, your relationship, and in achieving positive progress throughout your therapy experience.
Evolve therapists create a safe and supportive space for you. Our core values of respect (for everyone involved in the process), compassion (in how we deliver our care), and excellence (in standards of care, best-in-class training, and getting the best results) are present throughout the process. It is important that you feel heard, acknowledged and supported in your personal and relationship transformation.
We are an Inclusive Therapy Practice and specialize in working with clients and relationships that represent a wide range of cultures, races, religions, sexual preferences, identities, and orientations. We work with individuals and people in relationships, alone or together.
Evolve therapists are trained in many counseling and therapy practices and specialize in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), one of the most reliable and proven methods to achieving positive results.
In addition to using empirically proven therapy approaches, we help you learn new strategies for coping with difficult feelings, emotions, and situations with effective tools and practices that will help you feel confident that you can support yourself through life’s challenges.
Our therapy approach is designed to help you feel empowered, understood, and respected while inspiring hope as we work together to restore love and respect for yourself and your relationship.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
Emotionally Focused Therapy, or EFT, is the core of Evolve Therapy. This state of the art proven therapy model is usually a short-term treatment approach that helps individuals and people in relationships identify the emotions that trigger and drive behavior, thoughts and actions - in good times and in bad.
Emotionally Focused Therapy is based on the belief that human emotions are connected to human needs, therefore, emotions have an innately adaptive potential that, if activated and worked through, can help people change problematic emotional states and interpersonal relationships.
People can get stuck in repeated arguments that become a negative cycle that leads to stress in relationships. Since human beings are wired to seek out comfort when they feel distressed, it makes sense that a partner who feels bad will reach out in some way to the other person. A negative cycle can emerge when that partner is not emotionally available to meet their needs.